Be a Good Programmer

Well in order to be a Good Programmer you have to be a good learner, patient and humble..
Never be under the opinion that you are the best since there are no "GURU'S" in programming..

  • So firstly brush up with your concepts, be thorough with all the concept's be it any language.
  • Go to a good institute and make your self used to programming.
  • Write a basic code (program) and then understand how exactly the program is going to be executed, don't start off with a huge code but take a small and easy one.
  • So now you have a picture on how the program will be executed, so now is the fun part, make a backup of the code and mess the code !!!
  • I know your thinking I'm crazy but this really helps, so as i said mess up the code and note down the errors, study them and find out what exactly caused the error. So this way you'll know to Debug the program, and this will help you in the future when you deal with a huge code..
  • When you finish this task you are not done yet, now think of a way you can improve this code, make it more unique, make it your own... This way you'll master the program and make it easy, easier and easiest..!
  • As you go deep into the subject, read different codes in different websites ( we know Internet is the base for all these stuff ) go through different blogs about programming and learn more.
  • Think like a programmer and not an end user, to be a programmer you have to think like a programmer.
  • Lastly Don't make this(programming) your job, but make this your passion..!

All the best..!



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