
  • Destructors are the special methods that r used to release the instance of the class from memory.
  • The main purpose of it is to perform the memory clean up action. the programmer can not have any control to call the destructor.
  • The .Net frame work automatically runs the destructor to destroy objects in the memory.
  • A single class can have only one destructor.

Declaration of Destructor

  • Destructor follows the same rules as that of constructors but the difference comes in the functioning.
  • Destructor has same name as class name as its class but is prefixed with a '~' called as tilde operator.
  • Destructors can not be inherited or overloaded.

using System;

class Addition
static int n1,n2;
int total;

public void operation()
Console.WriteLine("The result is {0}", total);
~Addition()/*.............. Destructor.............*/
Console.WriteLine("Destructor invoked");
static void Main(String [] arg)
Addition obj=new Addition();

note: Even when u dont call the destructor, garbage collector releases the memory.

Garbage Collection

  • It is a process that automatically frees the memory space which is used for the objects at the time of program execution.
  • The memory for the object is freed only after observing the status of the object (i.e when object is no longer in use).
  • The decision to invoke the destructor is made by a special program of C# called as garbage collector.
  • In C#, you can not destroy an object explicitly in code, in fact it has the feature of garbage collection which destroys the objects for the programmers.
  • Garbage collection mainly involves,
  1. objects get destroyed: doesnt specify when the object is destroyed.
  2. Only unused objects are destroyed: object is nt deleted unless it holds any reference.
  • C# uses two special methods to release the instance of a class from memory
  1. Finalize()
  2. Dispose()
  • Finalize destructor is a special method that is called from the class to which it belongs or from the derived class.
  • It is called only after the last reference of the object is released from the memory.
  • .Net frame work automatically runs the Finalize() destructor to destroy objects in the memory. and keep in mind that the Finalize method does nt invoke immediately.
  • Dispose() method is called to release a resource, such as a database connection as soon as the object using such a resource is no longer in use.
  • Unlike the Finalize() destructor , the Dispose() method is not called automatically, and you must explicitly call it from the client application when an object is no longer needed.
  • IDisposable interface contains the Dispose() method. So in order to invoke the Dispose() method a class must implement the IDisposable interface.


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